Sunday, December 19, 2010

Step 1. Loading house on trailer

A few years ago I was driving to Matamata when I saw this scene on a farm at the side of HWY 27. I stopped my car to take this photo. It was a house being loaded onto a trailer for moving. The actual move usually happens after midnight when there is less traffic on the highway. I actually met another house on the highway once. I was working the afternoon shift at Inghams which finished at midnight. While driving home from Morrinsville, I saw some flashing amber lights coming towards me on highway 27. It was a front scout car. The driver told me to pulled over to the side of the road and drive into a farm entrance driveway to wait. Sure enough, within 10 minutes, I saw coming towards me was a great big house coming towards me at 60 kph! That was my first encounter with a moving house on the NZ road. Since then I have met two other houses on the highway.

The biggest house was coming down highway 1 very slowly along Kahikatea Drive. Workmen ahead were busy removing all the road signs along the side of the road to allow it to pass through. They came back the next day to put them all back again.